Buddha Community

About this Site



This is the Amaravati Upasaka and Upasika Association (AUA) site and as such is strongly influenced by the Thai Forest Sangha tradition of Theravada Buddhism.  The Forest Sangha tradition is well-respected, non-dogmatic, and  true to the earliest Buddhist teachings. A number of Monasteries following this tradition have opened in western countries over the past twenty five years and established a 'symbiotic' relationship with lay communities. 

The motivation for this site comes from a wish to provide information and support for a broad Buddhist Community - to provide information and guidance which will help men and women to practice in the worldly conditions we find in a developed Western nation.

This site hosts the 'Community Newsletter' which is produced around three times each year in both paper and electronic form.  The Community Newsletter is growing in content and confidence and provides a voice for the experiences arising from combining ancient Buddhist practices with modern living conditions. 

Any formal teachings  provided on this site are mostly based upon Theravada teachings from the Pali Canon - the Tipitaka - the discourses originally passed down verbally and then written down over 2000 years ago.  These ancient and highly regarded scriptures form the basis of all Buddhist schools. Other  information is from Forest Sangha related or other well-regarded sources.

Other material is based upon personal understanding of the teachings.

Disclaimer and Copyright Issues

The articles and material on this site represents personal viewpoints  and do not in any way represent any official line or policy from the Forest Sangha, Amaravati or any associated monasteries, Sangha or groups. 

Please note that there is a wealth of much more comprehensive Buddhist material elsewhere on the internet. There is no intention to duplicate much of this on this site. Material found on other Buddhist sites has been used where this was understood to be acceptable. Apologies if material has been used without being given. We will be pleased to acknowledge the source of any content where requested and where this has been omitted.

The material on this site is available for duplicating on other genuine Buddhist sites, provided reference is made to the source.

If you want to comment on the site please email to Buddha Community or use our guestbook.


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